Monday, August 31, 2009

fireman's festival...caricatures, face paint, henna tattoos and crazy hair

henna tattoos are shown with paste on
some of them have washable marker underneath for guidelines

this woman wants a real tattoo with her kids names
on her foot so she tried it out with henna first

guess who????

I did quite a few of my hand designs
they were real popular but this was the only
hand photo I got!

rainbow sisters

yes I'd like a crazy hair please!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

henna tattoos too!

henna hand paste on
henna on ankle paste on

Hopefully this weekend I will
be able to take more photos!

just a few

this little guy was sooo cute he is 2 yrs. old
and sat so very still on dad's lap for me to paint him
it isn't a very elaborate spiderman
but great for being two!

3 sisters crazy hair and face paint
crazy hair and face paint
me too!
my face paint for this gig!
at this last gig I never got the chance
to take any photos but these...bummer !
I hate when that happens
face paint and crazy hair even me!

I have a three day event this weekend
hopefully I will get some photos this time!